Hi There 👋. I’m Amir Kiani

  • I have an MBA in Finance and am currently on the lookout for a PhD position in Quantitative Finance. [CV]
  • This blog is my space where I share bits and pieces of my life. You’ll find everything here, from personal journal entries and casual event updates to professional thoughts on finance and computer science.
  • Below are the links to my social media. However, following the blog is surely the best way to stay updated on my latest news.

Embedding PDFs in a Hugo Static Website

Embedding PDFs in Your Hugo Static Website Embedding PDFs in a Hugo static website can be incredibly handy in different scenarios. In my case, I wanted to add my CV to my website. However, I’ve also seen other applications, like adding documentation inline with text. When I started, the documentation I found wasn’t comprehensive enough, and I had to piece together my solution from different sources. My main source of help was this GitHub repository....

June 13, 2024 · 2 min · 353 words · Amir Kiani

Optimizing Shadowrocket - Bypass Proxy for Specific Domains and Apps

How to Make Shadowrocket Bypass Proxy for Specific Domains and Apps Shadowrocket is a powerful tool that allows you to manage network traffic on your macOS device efficiently. One of its key features is the ability to set up rules that dictate how traffic is handled for specific domains and applications. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of bypassing the proxy for specific domains and apps, using the ChatGPT app and OpenAI-related traffic as examples....

June 1, 2024 · 3 min · 620 words · Amir Kiani

Setting Up Hugo - A Personal Guide

Setting Up Hugo: A Personal Guide Why am I spending time presenting this instruction? Because using the official wikis of Hugo and your theme of choice (PaperMod in my case) might not be as straightforward for beginners. Installation I’m using macOS. For installation instructions on other operating systems, check the Hugo installation page. To install Hugo on macOS, I use Homebrew: brew install hugo Creating Your Site I like my site to be stored in a directory called blog, but feel free to change the name as you wish:...

April 1, 2024 · 4 min · 831 words · Amir Kiani

Going Far or Fast

Life, at its core, is founded on interdependency. This concept was beautifully articulated by Stephen Covey in his book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. I still vividly remember the moments spent reading it. Not just for the sheer joy of it, but because it took me months to finish—I was really slow at reading English back then! 😑 Part of why I liked the content was its resonance with my own experiences; it didn’t feel like a new strategy to adopt, but something I had already encountered in life....

August 1, 2023 · 2 min · 398 words · Amir Kiani

No Elevation Here - A Review of Robert Glazer’s ‘Elevate’

I don’t remember exactly how this book entered my to-read shelf. One day, I found it on sale on the Kindle Store and bought it without checking the rating and reviews on Goodreads. I wish I had! Robert Glazer is an award-winning CEO and entrepreneur. His interviews in multiple podcasts and magazines piqued my interest, leading me to believe his book would be equally insightful. Unfortunately, like many self-help books written by successful leaders, I found “Elevate” lacking in novelty and inspiration....

July 1, 2023 · 3 min · 560 words · Amir Kiani