I don’t remember exactly how this book entered my to-read shelf. One day, I found it on sale on the Kindle Store and bought it without checking the rating and reviews on Goodreads. I wish I had!

Robert Glazer is an award-winning CEO and entrepreneur. His interviews in multiple podcasts and magazines piqued my interest, leading me to believe his book would be equally insightful. Unfortunately, like many self-help books written by successful leaders, I found “Elevate” lacking in novelty and inspiration.

The book introduces a 4-principle framework for capacity building:

  • Spiritual Capacity
  • Intellectual Capacity
  • Physical Capacity
  • Emotional Capacity

Upon skimming through the book and seeing this list, I had a feeling of déjà vu. Apart from a few quotes from notable figures in capacity building and personal growth, I hardly ever felt the urge to highlight anything noteworthy.

Here’s a brief overview of some key points from the book:



For everyone who knows deep down they can be more.

This quote initially raised my expectations sky-high. I was ready to add Robert Glazer to my list of personal heroes. He begins with a story about his weekly newsletter, Friday Forward, and its unexpected success, hoping to hook readers for the chapters ahead.

Chapter 1: What Is Capacity Building?

Capacity building is defined as:

The method by which individuals seek, acquire, and develop the skills and abilities to consistently perform at a higher level in pursuit of their innate potential.

Glazer emphasizes that capacity building is about doing more of the right things, not just more things. He introduces the four elements of capacity building:

  1. Spiritual (understanding who you are)
  2. Intellectual (enhancing your ability to think and learn)
  3. Physical (improving your physical performance)
  4. Emotional (facing challenges and managing relationships)

Glazer believes our growth is best when all four elements develop in tandem.

Chapter 2: Build Your Spiritual Capacity

Don’t consider the word “Spiritual” as a religious term in the context of capacity building. It refers to understanding who you are and what you want most in life.

Core values serve as guideposts for navigating life, and understanding them is crucial for growth.

Chapter 3: Build Your Intellectual Capacity

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” —Henry Ford

Intellectual capacity involves the ability to learn, plan, and execute with discipline. Improving this capacity starts with the belief that it can be improved.

Chapter 4: Build Your Physical Capacity

Glazer discusses the importance of a healthy body on overall life quality, emphasizing good nutrition and sleep.

Chapter 5: Build Your Emotional Capacity

Think about a race car. If your spiritual, physical, and intellectual capacities are the tools to design, build, and improve the car, your emotional capacity is your ability to drive it amidst other drivers and unexpected obstacles.

He underscores the importance of challenging oneself, gratitude, and maintaining meaningful relationships.

Chapter 6: Build A Better Path

Nothing particularly noteworthy was found in this chapter.

Each chapter ends with an action plan for practical steps in capacity building. You might find these useful if you’re curious about specific techniques.

My Personal Conclusion:

I gave this book a rating of 1 out of 5 because it failed to offer anything new or interesting. However, this might be due to my previous readings and high expectations from an author of Glazer’s caliber.